Monday 21 October 2013

Case Study

The Upcycle Exchange:

A retail shop that accepts secondhand textiles, fabrics and handcraft materials. People can also purchase the items in a very low price. Moreover, if you donate items to them, they will also pay you back according to the value per basket. Besides being the bridge of old items for new consumers, they also become the supporter of upcycler community who wish to supply their products here. Their activities are extremely benefitting creative communities and teaching public how to be more appreciative over old possessions.

Rebuilding Exchange

A market that collects rebuilding materials. Their mission is to divert and reuse landfill waste to create something unique and fashionable. Above is the clock that is made of leftover wood veneers. Such activities really are beneficial in reducing waste and managing it for creative purposes. 

Ikea Hackers:

An online community that share creative ways in 'hacking' ikea products by creating something completely out of the original technique. The response of public is very good. It is exciting to know other people's mind-blowing creations. 

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